Mahtikarppeja ja uusia lajeja
Tachan Fishingpark on nimensä veroinen kalastuspuisto,
sillä tarjolla on ravintolapalvelut sekä majoitusta lammen ympärillä.
Kohde elää uutta tulemista Covid 19 jälkeen ja uskon että
kalastajat löytäessään paikan, ihastuvat siihen ja tulevat uudestaan ja
Tachan Fishingpark on alle puolentunnin ajomatkan päässä
Pattayan keskustasta. Joten varsin nopeasti päästään tositoimiin eli itse
Kuulin että lammessa on erittäin kookkaita kaloja ja
tietenkin odotukset olivat sen pohjalta jäätävän polttavat. Josko rävähtäisi
sellainen siimanvinguttaja, että kädet huutaisivat Hoosiannaa vielä viikon
No paljastan, että melkein, sillä mm. uusi laji
itselleni, Salween Catfish, veteli lampea ympäri melkoisella voimalla. Mutta
voiman edessä senkin oli viimein antauduttava ja näette videolta, minkälainen
vesipeto sieltä nousikaan.
Salween Catfish on tosi vahva vääntäjä
Lisäksi päivän aikana vääntelin useita Siam Carp kaloja
kuiville. Sellainen päälle 40 kg möykky vie ukkoa hapoille aivan kiitettävästi.
Erikoisempi laji tuli uutena myös listoille, sillä
koukkuun tarttui Chinese Carp. Muuten tutusti käytin haavissa Redtail, Mekong
Giant Catfish, Pacu -nimiset tuttavuudet.
Mekong Giant Catfish on aina taattu veturi siimanpäässä
Päivän aikana 13 kalaa kävi haavissa ja 6 eri kalalajia
tuli kirjattua vihkoon.
Pacu on aina Pacu
Loppupäivästä yritimme vielä Arapaimaa saada
kiinnostumaan syöteistä, mutta Alligator Gar ja Redtail napsivat syöttejä niin
tehokkaasti suihinsa, ettei varovainen Arapaima ehtinyt leikkiin mukaan. No
tuskin vierailin viimeistä kertaa täällä, joten jospa se viisaskin nappaa
Tachan Fishingpark soveltuu todella hienosti perheille
ajanviettopaikaksi. Mutta pro-kalastaja viihtyy varmasti kohteessa, sillä se
oikein suuri odottaa siellä jossain syvyyksissä.
Suosittelen ehdottomasti kokeilemaan kalastusta tässä
viehättävässä kohteessa.
Address Tachan Fishingpark 197/2 หมู่ 3 ต.ตะเคียนเตี้ย อ.บางละมุง จ.ชลบุรี, Bang Lamung, Thailand, Chon Buri
Tachan Fishing Park

Again, a new
sideline to the daily life of a fishing reporter is opened. We have recovered
from one hard day of fishing when the alarm clock wakes up the members and we
head to a place called Tachan Fishingpark in Pattaya.
Fishingpark is a fishing park true to its name, as it offers restaurant
services and accommodation around the pond.
The destination
is experiencing a new arrival after Covid 19 and I believe that when fishermen
find a place, they fall in love with it and come again and again.
Fishingpark is less than half an hour's drive from central Pattaya. So quite
quickly we get down to the real business, i.e. the fishing itself.
I heard that
there are very large fish in the pond, and of course the expectations were very
high based on that. If there was such a line whiner that the hands would still
be shouting Hosanna a week from now.
Well, I'll reveal
that almost, because e.g. a new species for me, the Salween Catfish, was
dragging around the pond with quite a bit of force. But in the face of the
force, it too had to surrender in the end, and you can see in the video what
kind of water beast came out of there.
In addition,
during the day I twisted several Siam Carp fish dries. Such a 40 kg lump on top
will take the giant to heart quite admirably.
A more special
species also entered the lists as a new one, as Chinese Carp caught the hook.
By the way, I usually used acquaintances named Redtail, Mekong Giant Catfish,
During the day,
13 fish were caught and 6 different fish species were recorded in the notebook.
At the end of the
day, we tried to get the Arapaima interested in the baits, but the Alligator
Gar and Redtail grabbed the baits in their mouths so efficiently that the
cautious Arapaima didn't have time to join the game. Well, I hardly visited
here for the last time, so if the wise one takes the bait.
Fishingpark is really great for families as a place to spend time. But the pro
angler will certainly have a good time at the destination, because the really
big one is waiting there somewhere in the depths.
I definitely
recommend trying fishing in this charming destination. Tachan Fishing Park
Again, a new
sideline to the daily life of a fishing reporter is opened. We have recovered
from one hard day of fishing when the alarm clock wakes up the members and we
head to a place called Tachan Fishingpark in Pattaya.
Fishingpark is a fishing park true to its name, as it offers restaurant
services and accommodation around the pond.
The destination
is experiencing a new arrival after Covid 19 and I believe that when fishermen
find a place, they fall in love with it and come again and again.
Fishingpark is less than half an hour's drive from central Pattaya. So quite
quickly we get down to the real business, i.e. the fishing itself.
I heard that
there are very large fish in the pond, and of course the expectations were very
high based on that. If there was such a line whiner that the hands would still
be shouting Hosanna a week from now.
Well, I'll reveal
that almost, because e.g. a new species for me, the Salween Catfish, was
dragging around the pond with quite a bit of force. But in the face of the
force, it too had to surrender in the end, and you can see in the video what
kind of water beast came out of there.
In addition,
during the day I twisted several Siam Carp fish dries. Such a 40 kg lump on top
will take the giant to heart quite admirably.
A more special
species also entered the lists as a new one, as Chinese Carp caught the hook.
By the way, I usually used acquaintances named Redtail, Mekong Giant Catfish,
During the day,
13 fish were caught and 6 different fish species were recorded in the notebook.
At the end of the
day, we tried to get the Arapaima interested in the baits, but the Alligator
Gar and Redtail grabbed the baits in their mouths so efficiently that the
cautious Arapaima didn't have time to join the game. Well, I hardly visited
here for the last time, so if the wise one takes the bait.
Fishingpark is really great for families as a place to spend time. But the pro
angler will certainly have a good time at the destination, because the really
big one is waiting there somewhere in the depths.
I definitely recommend trying fishing in this charming destination.
I want to publicly say that I do not sell fishing trips to Thailand, nor to any other country. I visit places and I recommend the place or I don't recommend the place. So I don't do anything related to work in the field of fishing tourism.
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